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Payment Security

At Ambenson Store, we prioritize the security of your payment information. This Payment Security policy outlines how we protect your financial data.

Secure Transactions

We use advanced encryption technologies, such as SSL (Secure Socket Layer), to ensure that your payment information is transmitted securely. This technology encrypts your data, making it unreadable to unauthorized parties.

Payment Methods

We accept a variety of secure payment methods, including major credit cards, PayPal, Tabby, and Tamara. Each transaction is processed through secure channels to safeguard your information.

Fraud Prevention

We implement multiple layers of security to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. Our system continuously monitors transactions for suspicious activity and takes appropriate action to protect our customers.

Data Protection

Your payment information is stored securely and is not shared with any third parties, except as necessary to process your payment. We comply with all relevant data protection laws to ensure your privacy and security.

Tabby and Tamara

We also offer secure payment options through Tabby and Tamara, allowing you to buy now and pay later with confidence. These services provide additional security measures to protect your financial data.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at